About Clifford Todd


Brief professional background

B.S. Geology. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Summer intern, geologic field mapper, New York State Geological Survey. Adirondack Mountains New York

Lab technician modifying gas chromatographs. John Booker & Company, Austin TX

Geologist, summer intern. Shell Western Exploration & Production, New Orleans LA

M.S. Geology. University of Washington. Advisor Mark Ghiorso

Ph.D. Geology. University of Washington. Advisor Bernard Evans

Geology Instructor. Several Community Colleges in the Puget Sound area

Postdoc. Mineralogy-Petrology Department. University of Bern, Switzerland. Advisor Martin Engi

Research Staff. Geology Department. University of California, Santa Barbara

Research Faculty. Geology Department. University of Hawaii, Honolulu

Research Scientist. Analytical Sciences Department. The Dow Chemical Company, Midland MI

Publication List

Contact me at CliffordTodd@PegmatiteDike.com